

what must we do??

a lot of things happened, a lot of problem appear, sometimes we get ignored, sometimes we get our self in an awkward situation, we try to be friendly, we try to be a best friend to everyone, but problems just won't stay out of the way, sometimes our problems is our religion, we make sins, we do it and we apologize, but we keep doing that, and apologize again, it never stop, even if you promise to yourself to stop doing that. I'm confused alright, why won't this life be smooth to live, there's nothing but regret in our heart. What must we do? what must i do to make our life better? I'm truly sorry everyone for all that I've done, maybe you get troubled, annoyed because of how talkative i am, yes, how "bacot" i am, and get angry because of how mischievous i am. May peace and safety be upon you who read this and to all of you out there.....

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