

Perbedaan antara orang-orang di Chatting dan di Dunia Nyata

Welcome Back to another one of my posts..kali ini kita akan membahas perbedaan antara orang-orang di Chatting dan di Dunia Nyata..iya lo semua pasti taulah artinya apaan...umpamakan ada orang bernama Pandci ..dan dia punya temen namanya Resrum,jika di dunia nyata si Pandci menyapa "Eh halo Resrum! haha apa kabar lo!" si Resrum akan menjawab "Eh Pandci! gue baik baik aja kok! udah lama gue nggak denger dari lo! lo apakabar juga!?" itu yang akan terjadi jika di dunia nyata..BUT! jika kita bandingkan dengan dunia chatting! mari kita lihat.."eh halo Resrum haha apa kabar lo!" si Resrum akan menjawab "bae


Itu lah sodara sodara perbedaanya...ini lah daftar teman teman saya lagi!

(asemua ini dari sudut pandang saya, jika ada yang tidak sesuai maklumkanlah)

Rayindra Brayanyo : dia
seru seru aja kok kalo diajak ngobrol di asli maupun maya..soalnya emang dia orangnya asik dari sananya

Fatih Aulia : dia juga seru seru aja tapi suka ga sabaran kalo chatnya dibales, di dunia nyata dan di dunia maya sama sama seru

Muhammad Aditya Abdurrahman : walaupun saya jarang chat ama dia, tapi dia sama saja kalo ngomong di dunia nyata ato di dunia maya, tidak ada beda

Muhammad Nur Indra Setiawan : ini orang emang aneh dari sananya, di dunia nyata aneh, di dunia maya juga aneh, trus pernah dia kalo chat sok baik sama meida (palsu)

Wahyu Rizky Pratama : dia orang yang bisa ngomong 1000 kata dalam 10 detik, omongannya sangat cepat dan hampir tidak jelas, tapi kalo di dunia maya dia ngomongnya biasa saja, seru seru juga

Irfan Alvianto : one word.... HOMO

Luthfi Laudri Nadhira : dia juga kalo di dunia maya dan di dunia nyata asik asik aja, emg udahh seru dari sananya

Kevin Mara Syaiful : keseruannya ama kengeselinnya dan kengawuran omongannya sama aja antara nyata dan maya.

Bonavacio Diaz Kevin : omongan dia memang selalu ga penting, mau di dunia manapun juga, tapi kocak

Mahdeka Pratama Putra : dia kalo di dunia maya biasa aja, ga kocak, kalo di dunia asli kocak bgt ngomongnya, apalagi teriak dan ketawanya

Arham Rahmat Ismail : dia ini emg orang gila, sama gilanya di dunia manapun, memang orang yg benar benar gila

Renjana Setyoandara Wibisono : orang yang tidak seru kalo di dunia maya, kesannya sok cool, gitu, padahal imoetz, kalo di dunia asli dia kocak omongannya, apalagi kalo udah memaki orang

Kartika Aisyah :
tidak beda antara kedua dunia, dia selalu ada topik, jarang banget nggak ada topiknya..misalnya topik ini abis,pasti dia selalu aja ada yang baru,gue lebih sering ngobrol sama dia si dunia chatting sih dibanding dunia asli. Intinya dia diajak ngomong apa aja jalan.

Irfany Roihana Putri : orang gila bacot ngomongnya aneh dan sering salah ngetik kalo di dunia maya, walaupun gila dan berisiknya sama aja antara dua dunia.

Irfana Thahirah Putri : dia juga sama aja dengan kakaknya, tapi lebih normal, kalo diajak ngomong asik, walaupun suka ga jelas

Yulvia Rahmi : dia orangnya asik asik aja kalo di dunia maya, tapi beda dengan dunia asli, dia jadi sok gimana gitu

Yasmine Aulia Aristiani : dia orang yang asik diajak ngomong di manapun, bacot, banyak omong, di dunia nyata maupun dunia maya, seru seru saja

Dana Paramita kusumawardani : ga enak ngobrol ama dia di dunia maya, ga bisa dilatahin

Anindya Pramudita : kalo dia di dunia maya berisik bgt, kalo dikasi satu hal random pasti langsung heboh, tapi kalo di dunia nyata dia jadi diem

Allya Hastono : Di dunia maya dia sering sekali menggunakan -_- dalam tulisannya, kalo di dunia asli -_- di perlihatkan dari mukanya yang emg kayak gitu, seru seru aja sih diajak ngomong

Dhiyan Faza Khalisa : orang yang asik di ajak ngomong di dunia maya, orang yang menghargai orang, selalu membalas chat, kadang suka ngelawak jayus, tapi kalo di dunia maya dia pendiem.

Atika Aziza : dia orang yang asik diajak ngobrol di dunia maya, suka ngelawak jayus, ngomong ga jelas, tapi seru. Tapi kalo di dunia nyata dia sangat pendiam.

Anggita Aisha : Asik asik saja di dunia nyata maupun di dunia maya

Nova Dana Eka Putri : Orang yang seru juga di dunia maya, sering meminta advice , kalo di dunia nyata kurang tau deh, jarang ngobrol sama dia

Rahmi Amanda Putri : biasa biasa aja sih kalo diajak ngomong di dunia maya, kadang kadang suka ngelawak juga seperti sasa, agak beda dengan dia di dunia nyata

Sheila Aulia Harunsyah Gumay : Orang yang asik asik saja diajak ngobrol di dunia nyata maupun maya, walaupun itu tergantung dari moodnya, org yg sangat moody

jika ada yang belum disebut mohon maaf... terima kasih telah membaca post yang tidak penting ini.


Nobody likes me

Sunny day
Now i am blinded
In my mind
Nothing can help myself
And nobody likes me....

yes that's damn right, nobody likes me, in two meanings :

1. i think nobody likes me, not looks or anything, but myself, there's only one afif muhammad fatchurrahman in these universe, and that's what makes myself unique, and i'm proud of it.
2. and nobody likes me, yea maybe there's somebody who likes me, it's not just you who like me just because i'm his/her friends, or because of some reason, what i mean by "like" in here is those who like me for whoever i am. for your understanding, thank you.

and these here are some quotes for you to read :
"We are mirrors, each of us meant
To reflect every bit of the other's karma
We will touch each other's dirtied hands
And grasp their shape." -Bump of chicken - karma

"Those who are skilled in combat do not become angered, those who are
skilled at winning do not become afraid. Thus the wise win before they
fight, while the ignorant fight to win." -Zhuge Liang

"If you can dream it, you can do it" -Walt Disney

"You are what you fear" - Anonymous

"say what you need to say & in the end, you better say too much
than never say what you need to say" -John Mayer - Say

"If you don't understand my silence, how will
you understand my words??" -Anonymous

"Hold your own, know your name, and go your own way"
"if it's a broken part replace it, if it's a broken arm then brace it,
if it's a broken heart then face it."
-Jason mraz - details in the fabric

"The healthy human mind doesn’t wake up in the morning thinking this is
its last day on Earth. But I think that’s a luxury. Not a curse. To
know you’re close to the end is a kind of freedom. Good time to
take…inventory. Outgunned. Outnumbered. Out of our minds. On a suicide
mission. But the sand and the rocks here, stained with thousands of
years of warfare…They will remember us. For this. Because out of all
our vast array of nightmares, this is the one we choose for ourselves.
We go forward like a breath exhaled from the Earth. With vigor in our
hearts and one goal in sight: We. Will. Kill him." -Captain Price

"It takes no time to fall in love, but it takes
you years to understand what love is" -Jason Mraz - life is wonderful

"You’re not obligated to win. You’re obligated to keep trying.
To the best you can do everyday."
"Please, don't ever let your mind, stop you from having a good time."
"practice kindness, and most importantly, practice grattitude."
-Jason Mraz


Sepandai-pandai tupai melompat

This post came from my friend's comment at my photo :

(Bisa di klik semisal kurang jelas)

sasa : sepandai pandai tupai melompat, pasti akhirnya akan jatuh juga
fatih : bagai air di daun talas (paan sih lo tih ga nyambung)
gua : sekeras-kerasnya orang ngeden pasti yang keluar kotoran juga (..........)

dari seluruh pernyataan ini, didukung oleh 90 (dan masih bertambah) komen dari teman teman saya, nampaknya kebenaran sudah mulai terkuak, kebenaran yang selama ini saya tutup-tutupi, yang saya takut mempublikasikannya. Saya tidak marah atas perbuatan teman teman saya itu, sesungguhnya saya berterima kasih, tidak mungkin kalian niat nulis 90 komen itu kecuali karena kalian teman saya, terima kasi atas perhatiannya.

TETAPI, usaha saya tidak akan selesai sampai disini, There's.still.plan.B


Ramadhan telah tiba, seluruh umat muslim di dunia merayakannya dengan berpuasa di siang hari dan tarawih di malam hari. perbanyaklah ibadah di bulan ini, mohonlah ampunan kepada Allah SWT, sesungguhnya barangsiapa yang memohon ampu di siang hari dan malam hari pada saat bulan ramadhan, niscaya allah akan mengampuni semua dosanya walaupun dosanya setinggi langit dan bumi. Selain itu, bacalah qur'an dan khatamkanlah qur'an di bulan ramadhan, sesungguhnya barang siapa yang membaca qur'an di bulan ramadhan, maka di setiap hurufnya terdapat sepuluh kebaikan (pahala), tetapi tidak cukup hanya dibaca, al-quran harus dipahami pula, Allah berfirman :

QS Al Qiyaamah: 16-19

“Janganlah kamu gerakkan lidahmu untuk (membaca) Al-Qur’an karena hendak cepat-cepat (menguasainya). Sesungguhnya atas tanggungan Kami-lah mengumpulkannya di dalam) dadamu dan (membuatmu pandai) membacanya. Apabila Kami telai selesai membacakannya, maka ikutilah bacaannya itu. Kemudian atas tanggungan Kami-lah penjelasannya.”

Maka berlomba2lah kalian (khalifah allah di muka bumi) untuk berbuat kebaikan...



What is memories? memories is a file in our brain that keeps something that already happened, memories of our good time, or even our hard time. Memories teach us what to do in the future. Humans NEVER forget their memories, it just gone misplaced in brain's file somewhere, but why do sometimes we keep remember some memories, neither it's a good one or a bad one? that's because we felt the happening that has occured to us has touched our eart, it make us neither feels happy nor sad. Sometimes a bad memories is hard to let go than good memories, we always remember that memories even if we try to forget it. but a good memories is easy to let go, because it did'nt leave a wound on our heart that hurt us like bad memories.

Memories in man. Almost man can easily forget what just occured to him, or even their late memories, but sometimes they keep teir good or sad memories to learn about his life, to change himself into a better person. Well not all man like that, there's some too who understand memories like woman.

Memories in woman. Woman's brain is designed so it would be hard to forget something good/bad happened to her, like sadness because of her love, or because of her friends, etc.

Thanks to all my family, friends, people that have been giving me a good memories from i was born till the day i would passed away. you have really made my life wonderful
And Thanks to all my family, friends, people that have been giving me a bad memories from the day i was born till the day i would passed away, you've given me a good teaching by your acts to me, i'm not offensed at all by all your acts that hurt me, i've forgiven you even before you hurt me.

Marhaban ya syahrul ramadhan, marhaban ya syahrul syami.


The Inspiring

I just want to share my favorite figures/characters/peoples of all times, thanks

محمد بن عبد الله (Muhammad bin Abdullah) /Muhammad SAW
570 M - 632 M

He's the greatest person of all, I am very impressed by his personality, he was the most perfect human being, no one can match it, I hope I can fight at his side in his era

Jason T. Mraz
1977 M - present
He's very talented, his musics are awesome, i adore him for his coolness, talent, voice, and is attitude. The perfect details located at my post about him

Ryuuichi Naruhodou / Phoenix Wright

from : Gyakuten Saiban

I like his way to be a lawyer, he's not a serious person when most lawyers was a serious person, he's eccentric, he's taking case easy, look at every details of the case, he always help innocent people without looking for the price, he would not accept a clients that is guilty, win or lose doesn't matter to him, all that matter was the absolute truth

Reiji Mitsurugi / Miles edgeworth
From : Gyakuten Saiban

i like how he shows his kindness with his coldness and coolness, but sometimes he can make a jokes too although it's not funny, and sometimes he's trap in a funny situation which makes him funny somehow. he's just like phoenix, he only seeks the perfect truth.

Ezio Auditore Da Firenze

From : Assasin's Creed 2

He's great, he's cool, he's calm, he's an almost perfect assasin, he's AWESOME

Vincent Valentine
From : Final Fantasy VII

he's cool, nice in his coldness, a very skileed gunner, he's DAMN COOL

趙雲 (Zhaou Yun)
168 M - 229 M

He's one of shu's five tigers generals, a very skilled spear wielder, he's calm, cool, and very very nice to people, he would risk his own life to save his friends, like when he saved liu chan, liu bei's son at chang ban. he's the reason i want to wield a spear.

真田 幸村 (Sanada Yukimura)
1567 M - 1615 M

He's an energetic man, a hard blooded person, always fired full of spirits, he's a cool, eccentric man if it was from the game. a skillful samurai of sanada clan, legend says that he's also in a ninja clan, with 10 ninjas underlings.

劉備 (Liu Bei)
161 M - 223 M

He's the first lord of Shu, a very kind hearted person, he rules as a good lord, adored by his people, caring for his people, the point is he's a great ruler.

伊達 政宗 (Date Masamune)
1567 M - 1636 M

He's a great samurai from date clan, known as 独眼竜 (Doku-gan Ryuu) or the one eyed dragon, he's a cool person, full of spirits just like his riva, Sanada Yukimura.

诸葛亮 (Zhuge Liang)
181 M - 234 M

He's shu's strategist, he's a very intelligence person, he's the most intelligent strategist in the three kingdoms, he's very calm when headed with problems, he's wise. all his strategy is great, almost perfect.

Captain Price
From : Call Of Duty : Modern Warfare

He's a cool old man, a very skillfull ranger, former captain of SAS 22nd regiment, and TF 141 specialist, he's good with words, he's calm, his attitude is rude but his nice, i like the way he thinks. i like his attitude

Well that's all i can mention, actually there's still a lot figures i haven't said yet, but i'm already tired of typing, so that's it, thanks for reading.


it's parkour, not parkir (ha ha ha)

recently i've been joining this activities every sunday at Gelora Bung Karno's kridaloka garden.

Parkour (sometimes abbreviated to PK), or l'art du déplacement (English : the art of movement) is the physical discipline of training to overcome any obstacle within one's path by adapting one's movements to the environment. It is a non-competitive, physical discipline of French origin in which participants run along a route, attempting to negotiate obstacles in the most efficient way possible. Skills such as jumping and climbing, or the more specific parkour moves are employed. The object of parkour is to get from one place to another using only the human body and the objects in the environment. The obstacles can be anything in one's environment, but parkour is often seen practiced in urban areas because of the many suitable public structures available such as buildings and rails.

The term freerunning is sometimes used interchangeably with parkour. While freerunning is more to do with expressing yourself within your environment, parkour is aiming to get from A to B the fastest. However, there is some controversy over the exact definitions of the two terms. Though disputed, many "parkour purists" say that the biggest difference has to do with theatrics. Free-running involves a lot of trick moves, particularly aerial rotations and spins. Because these moves are merely showy, not economical, and do not actually help the participant to get from place to place, they are considered contrary to the nature of parkour. A free-runner may also move backwards in order to make a move as flashy as possible. This is contrary to the philosophy originally laid down by David Belle. Although Sebastian Foucan co-founded parkour, he is more often associated with the sport of free running.

A practitioner of parkour is called a traceur if male, or traceuse if female. Most free runners are male.

i participate in this activities because i'm inspired by games, movies, etc that was awesome like Assasin's creed, Uncharted, Prince of Persia, mirror's edge, district 13 ultimatum, yamakashi etc.... i wish i could be just like them hahahaha, amen.